About Makki

Miroslava wanted to make a doll with a relaxed and kind expression and so Maikki was made!
Even if she looks innocent she can be a mischievous one!


Makki's measurements:

Height ………………................................................. 19,5 cm / 7,6 inch
circumference of head…........................................ 17 / 6,6 ( wig 5/6 sometimes and 6/7 sometimes. )
chest …………………..............................................… 9,5 / 3,7
waist…………………...............................................… 9 / 3,5
hip …………………...........................................……… 11 / 4,3
top of shoulder to waist …….................................. 3,5 /1.4
where the shoulder meets arm to wrist……….…... 6 / 2,4
inside leg to ankle…….........................................… 6,3/ 2.5
waist to ankle…………............................................. 9,5 /3,7
length of foot……….........................................…….. 2.1 / 0,8
width of foot ………...........................................…… 1/ 0,4
circumference of hand at widest point………......... 3,6 / 1.4


clothes that fit Makki

All clothes that fit Chibbis fit Kikki. Chibbis have similar proportions to Holala-dolls, Ododödolls and other PVC-dolls of that size. Also Blythe dolls’ clothes are of very similar size (although pants will be too long). Therefore dolls that for example fit Holala will mostly fit Makki very well.

